Friday, 30 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Friday

Vol. 1 No. 18 - El Morya - December 12, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As

To Our Gracious Readers, Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—
Our Beloved Morya Speaks—

Blessing the Postal Departments and the Mail with Goodwill

Our beloved Morya speaks:

“Messenger of sympathy and love;
Servant of parted friends;
Consoler of the lonely;
Bond of the scattered family;
Enlarger of the common life . . .”

These lovely words are engraved in the stone over a doorway of the Union Station post office in Washington, D.C. How wonderfully descriptive they are of the transcendent services of postal depart­ments all over the world, wherever mankind enjoy the blessings of such service.
As Chohan of the First Ray it is at least a part of my very reason for being to direct and protect–whenever and wherever possible (for, you know, mankind have free will)–the governments of the world and those who serve them; also to sustain and expand goodwill, God’s will, to all. My beloved unascended chelas who are embodied here at this time I know will wholly agree with me when I say that goodwill is needed everywhere on the planet earth today!
Therefore, being so vitally interested in every department of governmental activities, is it not but natural that I should desire to give this particular channel of public blessing my personal radiation, especially at this Christmas season, when they have such added opportunity actually to assist in expanding the light of the world?
First of all, I now personally bless with the sustaining radiation of my divine Light and love all the constructively qualified energies of those whose minds received and accepted the inspiration of the above words, then recorded them for others to enjoy. This blessing I also charge into the lifestreams of those workmen who engraved those words upon the stone, wherever all those lifestreams may be today. This gift I also expand so that it becomes a permanent God-blessing to all who serve the postal departments throughout the world.
Into these words I also charge Ascended Master understanding from our octave that they may be able to illumine all mankind much more quickly concerning the oneness of all life. For Life itself is God in action everywhere! Such a consciousness of unity allows the release into your world of the treasures of heaven from ours and brings about the healing of the wounds of hate, thus increasing mankind’s good and common wealth, which is God’s will (goodwill) for all.
Now, in connection with our Pearls of Wisdom, which have recently become so much a part of the blessings carried by the postal service everywhere, taking the first line of the above words–
“Messenger of sympathy and love”: Let us consider our Pearls as messengers of com­passion (which we know to be a much better word to use than sym­pathy, which by its very compo­sition means “with suffer­ing”).
Truly do human beings who live within the darkness of their own shadows need the radiation into their worlds of our feelings of Divine Love and compassion–and such blessings only we can give! Only by this help from our octave can such assistance come to the earth. For do you not see that we of the ascended host actually have become that Love our­selves ­through our victorious accomplish­ment of the ascension, which is the divine goal for all life and the reason for all physical embodiment?
“Servant of parted friends”: In their rhythmic weekly release our Pearls enable all our gracious readers to keep in constant, current touch not only with us and our loving assistance to them, but these little Pearls of Wisdom also bind together all such lifestreams who seem to be separated physically from each other by the miles. (Of course, there is never a separation in the conscious­ness of Divine Love anywhere in the universe!)
In this way there is builded a greater awareness in each individual of the truth that we are all one in our common bond of loving interest and service to life. Such a consciousness also allows us to release to all life here our practical help as tangible comfort and constant watchful care of and to all who will accept us and our companionship. For once you have accepted the reality of your own beloved I AM Presence and us, you are never alone but are all one with God again! Mankind’s conscious acceptance of us also gives us the oppor­tunity to release from our side of the veil the wisdom and authority which enables us all to build together the permanent golden age for this earth.
“Bond of the scattered family”: Presently our Pearls are being sent to blessed lifestreams all over the world, not only all across the United States and Canada but to Mexico, Europe, Africa, Australia, and many other places. Thus they act as a living bond to my scattered family of goodwill and carry my personal radiation of the quickening vibrations of God’s will anchoring and expanding hope, faith, strength, courage, and power to accomplish everywhere they go.
“Enlarger of the common life”: Bear in mind here too if you will, please, that to my personal blessing to our chelas through the Pearls there is added the personal assistance and blessing of my own divine master, the Great Divine Director, those of the mighty Elohim Hercules, as well as those of the beloved Archangel Michael.
Around each copy of these Pearls these great beings establish a part of their radiation of living fire, which contains their consciousness of mastery. You might be amazed at times were you to be able to see how this radiation often changes the most seemingly barren life to a more productive one, one which is of greater service to all the life it contacts.
Just so do our little Pearls going forth each week through the channels of the postal service bless and expand the humble offerings of service from the lives of many “common” people in those channels, making thereof a divinely ordered service of great magnitude, although the lifestreams so blessed may be wholly unaware that they are either receiving such a gift or are such an important part of our divine and eternal scheme of things.
So in thinking of the postal department in the light of the Christmas season, just think of the thousands and thousands of delight-bringing packages and envelopes which will be physically handled, carried, and delivered by these “enlargers of the common life” who carry our words to you. Just think of the many children’s eyes which will shine at the opening of packages as well as the comfort and gladness which expands everywhere at this season because mankind’s thoughts and feelings go forth in love from heart to heart. So should it be every day of the year!
Beloved chelas, have you any idea just how much goodwill you could and should constantly expand not only at Christmas but all through the year, which would actually expand the light of the world? This can be done by your consciously charging all your incoming and outgoing mail with a blessing of God’s goodwill to all, asking me and all those who serve upon my ray to add our blessings to yours, commanding that our flame and consciousness of the purifying power of Divine Love shall instantly and constantly transmute every shadow in their entire beings and worlds, replacing it by that invincible Christ Light, an anchorage of which abides within every beating heart and makes of every illumined one a true lighthouse of freedom.
Before closing I would call your attention to the lovely birds who were first created for use by the Ascended Masters as their messengers of Divine Love and grace. To this day there are those still interested in the carrier, or homing, pigeon, which in the past was often used to carry messages from one to another. Even today there are those who, as a hobby, enjoy experimenting with the intelligence, speed, endurance, accuracy, and ability of these birds to render such service.
You will remember that Noah sent forth a dove from the ark; and when it returned there again bearing in its mouth the olive branch, <1> which is symbolical of peace, it brought the rejoicing of hope to their hearts. One of the living signs of the permanent golden age to the earth will be the olive branches of peace, surround­ing a white dove representing purity and com­fort, this dove descending in Light. When you see this sign in outer physical manifestation in the world of form, you will know then that enough peace and goodwill is manifesting on earth to herald the more evident mani­festations of the permanent golden age, into which we have just entered.
In that day shall the knowledge of the Lord (law of God, goodwill for all) cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. <2> Until then we of the ascended and angelic host most joyously continue to assist the earth and all her evolu­tions, wherever and whenever possible–­flooding forth the fullness of our divine love, comfort, and wisdom to all, but particularly to you, our gracious readers and family of Light unascended, for you do accept us and our gifts.
We know that by divine law your and our combined activities shall enable our dear earth eventually to become a beautiful, blazing home of Light, one of the lovely mansions of the Father’s house, <3> at last occupying her rightful place and service in the solar system.
Even though the earth is one of the smaller of the planets of her system, yet in her purified state can she manifest such blessings as did the little town of Bethlehem, into whose care was given the most precious of God’s gifts–the living Christ. Here on this earth shall this precious gift be honored and received by all, for that living Christ is the I AM, the Light of the world!

Ever-living Christmas blessings to you all–


This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which all the ascended host are members.

Note: Suggested decree for blessing mail:
My very own beloved I AM Presence, beloved Archangel Michael, Mighty Hercules, beloved Morya, and all who serve upon the First Ray, demagnetize this and all mail everywhere of everything discord­ant, replacing it by all that is divine! Charge it and every lifestream contacting it in any way with the fullness of your purifying power of Divine Love which transmutes every shadow into visible, tangible blessings of goodwill to all, now made manifest, eternally sustained, all-­powerfully active, and ever-­expanding. I consciously accept this done right now with full power!
1. Gen. 8:8-11
2. Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14
3. John 14:2

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day (by Paolo Veronese (now Ascended Master Paul the Venetian) - Virgin and Child)

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Thursday

Vol. 1 No. 17 - Godfre - December 5, 1958

Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As “PEARLS OF WISDOM”
To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—
Our Beloved Ascended Master Godfre Speaks:

Associate with the Ascended Masters Before Your Ascension
I am grateful indeed for this opportunity to speak to all our gracious readers of the lovely Pearls of Wisdom, those very precious lifestreams who knew and loved me before my ascension as well as those who may be meeting me now for the first time. I bring to you all the loving greetings and blessings of the ascended host, which they release into your worlds through their light rays directed to you as you read these my words.
I am constantly privileged to associate and serve with this glorious ascended host. We are planning, by a tremen­dous release of their God-Love and Light such as your outer consciousness can scarcely imagine, a most wonderful Christmas season of blessing for you and all mankind this year. This service will assist in more quickly bringing about permanent peace on earth and the feeling of goodwill (God’s will) one to the other–­everywhere! Our beloved Saint Germain has served for many, many centuries, before and since his ascension, to promote the outer manifestation of this feeling of Christ brotherhood among men.
From the etheric city that I am presently serving in with certain members of the Great White Brotherhood, we are releasing specialized rays of comfort, peace and healing for the wounds of this dear planet and her evolutions. It is such a joyous experience to be able to see, as the result of your decrees, the instan­taneous manifestations of perfection brought about by the light rays we send forth to do your and our bidding, knowing that that Light of God cannot fail!
While you are yet unascended, your lovely spirits still encased in the heavier garments of flesh, I know it is more difficult for you than it is for us to feel the full glory and power of the ascended ones. Of course, this is because the humanly shadowed thoughts and feelings of fear, frustrated desires, and often bodily pain and other distresses surround the outer self and disturb the peace and poise of your being. These prevent much of your enjoyment of the abundant life that is your divine right to ex­perience from coming into manifestation. Besides, these human conditions and conditionings take a heavy toll on your energies by drawing and holding your attention to them.
If you allow them, they live in your world off of your life, for they really have no world or life or power of volition of their own! Then, too, the beautiful, instan­taneous service of the violet fire is not so apparent to you as it is to us when you call it into dynamic action to perma­nently transmute that which is human to make way for that which is divine.
However, if you will “keep on keeping on,” as beloved Saint Germain says, in your sincere endeavor to understand and practice the use of this merciful violet fire, you really can rise very quickly in consciousness to a state of being where you can see, hear, and associate with the ascended ones long before your actual ascension takes place. If you really desire this accom­plishment enough to hold uninterrupted harmony in your feelings, we can help you to this end. For I had such experiences before my own victory was attained.
O dear hearts, could you but know that each of you is constantly held within an aura of our personal God-protection and loving care! If you con­sciously realize and accept this gift of our love by turning your attention to us every so often during the day, we can cause it to act more readily and powerfully for you.
There are times when I sincerely wish the great cosmic law would allow us to remove the veil of unbelief from all mankind by per­mitting them to have even one glimpse of the mag­nificent Ascended Masters and angelic realms of Light, which are so real–the exquisite colors, soul-stirring melodies, and joyous expressions of pure Divine Love that manifest there. Were each lifestream to be able to see such God-splendor even once, it should satisfy that one’s conscious­ness for all eternity that the will of God for all is good and that in the acceptance of and loving cooperation with his will they can be safe at last from every human bondage.
Believe me when I say to you from personal ex­perience that the truly indescribable perfection that we enjoy is worth every effort you have ever made to serve the Light in the appear­ance world; it is worth every so-called sacrifice of the human you have ever made or ever will make to attain your eternal victory.
Keep yourselves in tune with your own beloved I AM Presence and with us, maintaining a consciousness of Divine Love and harmony at all times. Do not allow your attention to be side-tracked by the mani­festations of this world, by the threatening and discordant appearances of error. I tell you that one day those individuals who create discord or con­sciously allow it to express in their worlds shall truly regret it, especially those who profess to love and serve the Light. Such individuals will spend many an hour earnestly calling on the law of forgiveness; but it may be in the etheric retreats after they have missed the opportunity to make their ascension following their soul’s transition from this earth life.
Regardless of the name of the activity through which our unascended Messengers may be serving us to the best of their ability in the world of form, those who, unfortunately, spread gossip and discord about our best servants will some day find the tremendous momentums of Light and Love from these lifestreams to be a mighty guiding beacon to show them the way Home.
Thus does the Law act, finally returning all the sheep to the one Shepherd, the glorious I AM Presence. Often the greatest Lights of this world are completely unknown to most of the humanity they so selflessly serve, their service often going unrecognized until long after they have gone to their heavenly reward.
There is really no need for you to experience distress of any kind because of the progression and expansion of God’s Light within you or the world when from time to time it becomes necessary for the ascended hosts to widen both the borders of God’s kingdom and the channels he provides to sustain such service through you. One day all shall see and know Truth as we do and they shall see that the threefold flame of Divine Love, Wisdom and Power, each plume having given its specific service, will have blended together to manifest the oneness of the source of that flame–the white light.
Within the last twenty-five years the Great White Brotherhood has endeavored to activate and release the blue plume of the law, the faith and the God-power, perfection and protection through the Messengers, the dictations and the students of the I AM Activity, which beloved Saint Germain brought to the attention of mankind, giving me and beloved Lotus the opportunity to serve therein. Was it not the logic of the Logos itself to first bring forth the blue plume in order to lay a strong foundation in the will of God, precept by precept?
Next came the widening of the scope of that service through the dispensation of the Bridge to Freedom, whose purpose through its Messenger was to expand the golden plume of illumination by releasing much wisdom of the Law that had never come to earth before. As the threefold flame now completes its circle of divine service through the action of God’s forgiving love in that which is yet to come forth in the services and Christ-teachings of the Lighthouse of Freedom, all shall see and understand the quite natural and orderly sequence of these three expressions of the I AM knowledge.
Now I say, Beloved Mighty I AM Presence of all unascended lifestreams! Let this blazing threefold flame expand within every heart, taking its dominion in, through, and around the entire consciousness, being and world of all children of the Light, ful­filling its divine purpose of absorbing completely (and transmuting as it absorbs) into its eternal, unfailing Light ­the human conscious­ness of limitation.
Always your Ascended Master friend and ever-loving brother of Light,
(The Ascended Master Daddy Ballard)

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Dar­jeeling, India, council of which all the ascended host are members.<
Formulas for Supply: Referring to the idea of tithing mentioned last week, we all understood it to mean the putting aside rhythmically (daily, weekly, etc.) of at least ten percent of one’s income, to be applied to the sustaining and expanding of some avenue or channel of God’s Light, Love, and Truth.
Is this such a strange or unusual thing to do? At this time of harvest, does not the wise and success­ful farmer choose from his crops a certain amount of the very best seed that he may use it for his next rhythmic planting? To return rhythmically to the Giver of all life that which will multiply and expand his blessings throughout his creation brings tremendous increase after its kind. Do you not enjoy receiving your supply rhyth­mically? “[Rhythmically and] freely ye have received; [rhyth­mically and] freely give!” Jesus. Don’t believe us--prove us!

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day (Buddha)

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Wednesday

Vol. 1 No. 16 - El Morya - November 28, 1958

Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As

To Our Gracious Readers, Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—
Our Beloved Morya Speaks:

The Law of Ever-Increasing Abundance

At this time of year I know that each of my chelas is evaluating the harvest of his words and works of the past twelve months. And from the very depths of a grateful heart each one is giving sincere praise and thanks to his Father-Mother God, I AM, for his gracious goodness. For surely his blessings have been abundantly released to all who through the open door of faith have allowed that goodness to appear, visibly and tangibly in their worlds.
In this consciousness of grateful adoration to the Great God Source, would it not be well to consider how tiny were the seeds planted that produced the fruit of the field you now enjoy and how small was the measure of seed planted in comparison to the mountainous harvest so apparent?
You see, the very nature of the life-force, whether in the Nature kingdom or expressed through God’s offspring, is to expand and ever expand. And the unerring laws of life that govern all manifestation see to it that from within the seed itself is brought forth that which will reproduce after its kind.
Even before his ascension, while living among mankind in a flesh body, beloved Jesus brought to the people’s attention the law of ever-increasing abundance. This law is God’s desire for all his creation, within whose beating hearts his very own Life, Light, and Love are anchored through that precious threefold flame.
As the beloved Jesus demon­strated–in the most practical way possible–the truth of the glorious I AM Presence and the power it conveys to each one to manifest God in action, even as he did, well could he say: “I AM come that ye might have life and that ye might have it more abun­dantly!” <1> It is, of course, universal law that the I AM is the supreme Source of all Good and the constant, ever-expanding manifestation of that Good–everywhere.
This law of the constant expansion of Life is impersonal and so it applies to all manifesta­tions whether they be good or evil. Thus the seed from a weed is just as productive and capable of reproducing itself as is the kernel of wheat, for each produces after its own kind, or pattern.
There­fore, as you survey the harvest of your words and works today, that harvest clearly reveals either the feast or famine of daily deeds or none. And remember, next year’s harvest or tomorrow’s is completely dependent on today’s plan and planting–of preparation and acts well done or not at all.
My chelas must be honest, earnest and sincere so that they will deliberately and intelligently plan their daily lives, planting only the seeds of thought, feeling, spoken word, and deed that will enable them to do God’s will. This they must do in the full consciousness and absolute confidence that the same exact and exacting law of increase is working for you, as it ever works in Nature.
Remember, your beloved I AM Presence is the Light of God that cannot fail! Therefore the appearances of failure can come about only because of the chela’s disregard of the prompt­ings of the still, small voice of the Holy Christ Self within, who anchors the flame of the gracious I AM Presence within his heart. Failure can come about as well from the chela’s neglect to utilize fully his own God-given resources and opportunities to serve, which are actually limitless.
This law of Life’s increasing power is universal and indis­putable. Therefore it merely remains for all mankind, and par­ticularly my chelas, to so daily consecrate their individual lives to God (Good) and to the doing of his will (to expand that Good) that they can and will easily and gratefully accept every experience as a manifestation of the bounteous goodness of that I AM Presence. In so doing they will soon come to realize that the beloved I AM Presence is even more desirous of giving to them all of its good than the chelas are desirous of receiving it.
When a lifestream is wholly consecrated to the doing of God’s will, he knows from deep within himself, as Paul preached concerning the unfailing purpose of God to the early Christians in Rome:
All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predes­tinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:28-31
Since all life is one and therefore each lifestream is a definite and distinct ray of Divine Love and Light from the Father of all (the all-loving I AM Presence), then everyone has equal opportunity to draw forth and develop from that God Flame anchored within his heart anything and everything he desires with which to bless life.
When my chelas do this consciously in the name of the I AM Presence, their every endeavor permanently expands the threefold flame within their hearts. This expansion of the God Flame by right effort and right mindfulness, peace and good cheer is the will of God for all of his offspring. Such expansion hastens the chela’s eternal release from every human distress, which God certainly never intended to be!
Victorious accomplishment crowns the endeavors of the harvester who best plans and plants his field of consciousness. Keep joyously in your consciousness every waking hour that your very reason for being is to accept and fulfill your own beautiful and perfect divine plan. The ability to do so–easily, quickly, and perfectly–is your own God-given birthright. Through the most glorious graciousness and infinite freedom of God’s love, you have received the opportunity to fulfill your God-plan. Now in faith and constancy give yourselves to the accomplishment thereof, with alertness and sobriety, taking advantage of every opportunity afforded you.
Be assured that I have prepared for this Summit Lighthouse activity many releases of God-Light and -Life that will delight the hearts of all who will accept them. Such gifts from our realm are being made possible through the loving assistance and cooper­ation of those who make up that magnificent order of Divine Love known to you as the Great White Brotherhood, all of whom are supporting your beloved Saint Germain and me in these days.
From the windows of my retreat here in Darjeeling I have a beautiful view of the scintillating Himalayan snows upon the crests of the majestic peaks nearby; and yet because of the temperate climate, it is possible to view the parade of the four seasons through the year. And so, as I look out upon the beauties of Nature that surround my lovely home on every side, I often think of you, individually and collectively, as you experience Nature’s variation of expression, climatic or otherwise.
Do you know that it is easier for you to tune in to my con­sciousness than it is for you to tune in to your radio or television set? You see, to connect with me you have but to turn your attention to me from wherever you are. Is that not simple and easy of accomp­lishment?
So as the coming months will give my gracious readers more time to spend indoors, I trust that you will fully utilize winter’s opportunity to study these bene­ficent laws and crystal-clear truths that we have been presenting to you, as Paul also admonished: “Study to show thyself approved unto God . . .” <2> Ask God each day that, for that day, only the divine plan of your lifestream will manifest; then by turning your attention to him, learn from God how you can easily and quickly fulfill that divine plan.
Just think what an activity of cosmic purpose is expressed each year by the tiny seed in its own setting. Can you not do at least as much, having through the threefold flame anchored right within your beating heart all of God that is required for you to produce this victory as your harvest of the hours and lifetimes spent in his service?
May your own beloved, beautiful I AM Presence illumine you quickly, each one, as to the real meaning of the will of God that I AM in action all ways!
(The Ascended Master Morya El)

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Retreat of God’s Will, of which all the ascended host are members.

Formulas for Supply: Gracious reader, did you ever give much thought to the God-idea of tithing? It is a very wonderful way to syste­matically increase one’s good. The command was given to us by the LORD through his prophet Malachi: “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” And unto us who are faithful the promise is also given: “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the LORD of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the LORD of hosts.” <3>

1. John 10:10
2. II Tim. 2:15
3. Mal. 3:10-12

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day (Pentecost)

Monday, 26 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Tuesday

Vol. 1 No. 14 - Maha Chohan - November 14, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As

To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—
Our Beloved Maha Chohan Speaks:

A Floodtide of Divine Love, Light and Illumination
Encompassing the Earth

O Thou Glorious, Majestic, All-Loving and yet All-Power­ful Source of All Life, Thou Great Divine Intelligence manifesting to all through many rays, we thank Thee eternally for being and for being that gracious love that sustains us in thy everlasting joy!
Beloved ones, in these days the golden flame of illumination from God’s heart is growing brighter and brighter as it floods forth to this dear earth and her evolutions. It but remains for all, particularly those who are students of the I AM Law of Life, to open the door of their consciousnesses completely to that masterful Presence which can and will harmonize their individual and collective worlds so as to make inharmony impossible of all mani­festation.
Gracious reader! Now awaken to and become con­sciously aware of the mighty vibrations of the Holy Spirit as it constantly floods forth its rays of comfort to all life every­where. There is an actual floodtide of Divine Love and Light encompassing the earth at this time, and this tide is mounting higher and higher, sweeping the whole world around.
The floodtide of illumination of which we speak is an activity of Divine Love. Therefore it means that the infinite Presence of the great intelligence who is the Creator of all has increased the cosmic tempo of his activities throughout the universe as well as upon this planet earth.
So, we may say that this floodtide of God’s Light is a tidal wave of Divine Love, and its beneficent manifestations are sweeping the planet round in prepara­tion for the coming of an age of great beauty and perfection. The full manifestation of this age, however, can only come as you faithfully and lovingly call it forth from the I AM Presence in coopera­tion with the loving and all-powerful assi­stance of the Holy Spirit and the ascended host, all of whom serve earth and her evolutions constantly by the use of the sacred fire of purity.
In its various manifes­tations, this fire of purifi­cation removes the causes and cores of the shadows of imperfection that have been imposed upon life by human consciousness. When these shadows are removed life is allowed to express its natural per­fection.
Now let your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions daily express the confidence of knowing that God is not only in his heavenly realms but, beloved, that he actually abides within every cell and atom of your being–that he lives as an intensified focus of his Light right within your very beating heart! And let the whole world know that you know it, by your example! For this Light-focus within your heart, as you well know, is the threefold flame of Power, Wisdom and Love that is sustained by your Holy Christ Self. The expansion of this Light through your outer form shall make all things right within your world. And this shall be your witness to the truth of Ascended Master law in action.
Particularly during this week will you give me your attention, at about the same time each day, so that I may be able to flood into your being and world my feelings of comfort, peace, and divine confi­dence in the invincible, ever-present goodness of God, which in days to come shall be an anchor of my love and power within you.
I want you to have the blessing of knowing, as do all the ascended ones, that one with God, your Mighty I AM Presence, you cannot be moved or disturbed in any way by destruc­tive appearances, which really have no power except the power you give to them by feeding them your life through your attention upon them!
In truth, there is no power other than God, the beloved I AM Presence! Know this–and be free!

I AM forever lovingly
Your Maha Chohan

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which all the Ascended Masters are members.

Note: Gracious reader, in these usually busy days everyone is looking for a short cut to gain their purpose or destination in life. Therefore, efficient folks like to hear only the important facts about things; and the following is one of the most important to all unascended beings. It is this: Contrary to the outer-world idea, it is much more important, and vitally so, to give than it is to receive. Every­one, from the Godhead to the lowliest creature, must give first before he can receive. Did not God first give a decree for Light to ap­pear-“Let there be Light!”-before it could or did? Think this through!
Remember, the first thing you did when you were born was to give the sacred breath God gave you to the atmosphere around you. If you had withheld the gift of that breath to life, what would have happened to you? Certainly you would have forfeited the oppor­tunity of a lifetime. “It is more blessed to give than to receive . . .”--the Master of Galilee.

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day (West - Left Panel of a Triptych)

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Monday

Vol. 1 No. 14 - Maha Chohan - November 14, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As

To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around—
Our Beloved Maha Chohan Speaks:

A Floodtide of Divine Love, Light and Illumination
Encompassing the Earth

O Thou Glorious, Majestic, All-Loving and yet All-Power­ful Source of All Life, Thou Great Divine Intelligence manifesting to all through many rays, we thank Thee eternally for being and for being that gracious love that sustains us in thy everlasting joy!

Beloved ones, in these days the golden flame of illumination from God’s heart is growing brighter and brighter as it floods forth to this dear earth and her evolutions. It but remains for all, particularly those who are students of the I AM Law of Life, to open the door of their consciousnesses completely to that masterful Presence which can and will harmonize their individual and collective worlds so as to make inharmony impossible of all mani­festation.
Gracious reader! Now awaken to and become con­sciously aware of the mighty vibrations of the Holy Spirit as it constantly floods forth its rays of comfort to all life every­where. There is an actual floodtide of Divine Love and Light encompassing the earth at this time, and this tide is mounting higher and higher, sweeping the whole world around.
The floodtide of illumination of which we speak is an activity of Divine Love. Therefore it means that the infinite Presence of the great intelligence who is the Creator of all has increased the cosmic tempo of his activities throughout the universe as well as upon this planet earth.
So, we may say that this floodtide of God’s Light is a tidal wave of Divine Love, and its beneficent manifestations are sweeping the planet round in prepara­tion for the coming of an age of great beauty and perfection. The full manifestation of this age, however, can only come as you faithfully and lovingly call it forth from the I AM Presence in coopera­tion with the loving and all-powerful assi­stance of the Holy Spirit and the ascended host, all of whom serve earth and her evolutions constantly by the use of the sacred fire of purity.
In its various manifes­tations, this fire of purifi­cation removes the causes and cores of the shadows of imperfection that have been imposed upon life by human consciousness. When these shadows are removed life is allowed to express its natural per­fection.
Now let your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions daily express the confidence of knowing that God is not only in his heavenly realms but, beloved, that he actually abides within every cell and atom of your being–that he lives as an intensified focus of his Light right within your very beating heart! And let the whole world know that you know it, by your example! For this Light-focus within your heart, as you well know, is the threefold flame of Power, Wisdom and Love that is sustained by your Holy Christ Self. The expansion of this Light through your outer form shall make all things right within your world. And this shall be your witness to the truth of Ascended Master law in action.
Particularly during this week will you give me your attention, at about the same time each day, so that I may be able to flood into your being and world my feelings of comfort, peace, and divine confi­dence in the invincible, ever-present goodness of God, which in days to come shall be an anchor of my love and power within you.
I want you to have the blessing of knowing, as do all the ascended ones, that one with God, your Mighty I AM Presence, you cannot be moved or disturbed in any way by destruc­tive appearances, which really have no power except the power you give to them by feeding them your life through your attention upon them!
In truth, there is no power other than God, the beloved I AM Presence! Know this–and be free!

I AM forever lovingly
Your Maha Chohan

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which all the Ascended Masters are members.

Note: Gracious reader, in these usually busy days everyone is looking for a short cut to gain their purpose or destination in life. Therefore, efficient folks like to hear only the important facts about things; and the following is one of the most important to all unascended beings. It is this: Contrary to the outer-world idea, it is much more important, and vitally so, to give than it is to receive. Every­one, from the Godhead to the lowliest creature, must give first before he can receive. Did not God first give a decree for Light to ap­pear-“Let there be Light!”-before it could or did? Think this through!
Remember, the first thing you did when you were born was to give the sacred breath God gave you to the atmosphere around you. If you had withheld the gift of that breath to life, what would have happened to you? Certainly you would have forfeited the oppor­tunity of a lifetime. “It is more blessed to give than to receive . . .”--the Master of Galilee.

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day (Aimee Semple McPherson, Previously Magda, twin flame of Jesus Christ)

Spiritual Picture of the Day (The Plague in Rome)

Ascended Master Teaching for Sunday

Vol. 1 No. 13 - El Morya - November 7, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As

To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around:
Let the Twinkle of Mirth Abound on Earth

The twinkle of mirth is needed on earth in many a situation in which mankind find them­selves. A happy, confident approach to any situation, even what appears to be quite a serious one, is of tremendous assistance to all concerned in bringing about a divinely just and satisfactory resolution thereof.
To possess a good sense of humor is to be greatly blessed; but if you are not so natur­ally blessed, you can always call to any of us and we shall be oh, so grateful for that call which will enable us to give you the sense of humor that is so much a part of the consciousness of the ascended host.
Unaccountability is a word that does not apply to man’s use of God’s life. Everyone is always account­able to the cosmic law for the release of his energy (life) through his thought, feeling, spoken word and deed.
Of course Divine Love is the master presence and authority of the entire universe, and its law supersedes all others. However, as applied to those who will not use that Law of Love, the karmic law by its very nature must return to its sender the energy sent forth qualified by human shadow, and always gathering more of its kind with accumulated energy of the same qualification. At times retribution for the misuses of God’s life follows like a swift arrow that action which set the cause in motion and produces the effect of returning karma.
The chalice of the heart is the generative point in man from which the gentle, Godlike feelings of Divine Love emanate; and these feelings qualify the thoughts, spoken words, and actions of each lifestream. You see, feelings account for the greatest per­centage of man’s qualification of his daily allotment of energy–about 90 percent; whereas thought uses only about 10 percent. As the individual release his feelings from his heart and solar plexus, often as on swift wings, they travel around the world fulfilling the law of the circle, and they never fail to return to their source!
Therefore, watch the feelings you allow to pass through your lifestream. For they are even more important than your thoughts. It is easy to test this truth. For instance, if there is a difference between your thoughts and your feelings, most of the time your feelings will win out, because they represent the greater pressure of energy that is acting. Do you see?
So while standing watchful guard over your feelings, be sure to restrain the unhappy mood; and as quickly as you are aware of its presence, turn your attention to something pleasant in your surroundings or, better still, to one of us, and thus change that mood instantly from that which distresses you to that which gives you Light and its joyous expression.
So, to bring you divine illumination that emanates from above the stars and is sent from my heart to yours with a twinkle! again I say–
Let the twinkle of mirth
Abound on earth!
For joy is one of the virtues of Divine Love; and joy and mirth are vibrations that in your application of the Law assist you to attain much more quickly your daily as well as your ultimate victory. Such victory I AM express­ing–all ways!
Lovingly, Morya (The Ascended Master Morya El)

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which all the ascended host are members.

Note: Our beloved Ascended Master Morya, as well as the staff of the Summit Lighthouse of Freedom, sincerely thanks you for promptly seizing the opportunities offered you to help sustain and expand the humble service of the Pearls of Wisdom at this time.
Consciously expect and accept beloved Morya’s blessings to you and yours which will manifest perhaps in ways that you do not know of at this moment. Just know that as you have made yourselves a part of his expanded endeavor to free all life here on earth, so you have become a very real part of his heart. And his tremendous love cannot ever fail you in any way! We love you all.

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Friday

Vol. 1 No. 12 - El Morya - October 31, 1958
Charges Forth Herewith Its Radiant Beams Which Manifest As
To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around:

Bringing in the Sheaves of a Bountiful Harvest

As the colorful and blessed Thanksgiving season approaches, the attention of all in our realm as well as in yours turns in joyous expectancy to bringing in the sheaves of a bountiful harvest.
In the springtime when the farmer tills the field and sows the seed, expecting the warm sun and gentle rain to do their perfect work, all is done in the hope of reaping an abundant harvest from that which has been sown.
Not only in your world of form is seed sown and a harvest reaped but also in that of every indivi­dualized intelligence in the great cosmos, including those of us of the ascended host who work with unascended mankind. For we are constantly engaged in the preparation of consciousness individually and en masse to receive the seeds (divine ideas) which if accepted, allowed to take root and grow, being nourished by the rhythmic attention and gratitude of the receivers, will bring forth a mighty harvest of practical God-blessings mani­festing in the daily lives of all.
Now, as surely as there has always been a springtime, so will there always be a harvest time. These are the natural manifestations of cause and effect. Even so, every cause brings forth after its kind, ­producing an effect according to the type and amount of seed which is sown.
Therefore, beloved chelas, look well to the daily sowings of your seed–thoughts, feelings, spoken words, and deeds which go forth from you–for these are the creative processes of your world. The seed that goes forth from you, planted, as it were, may be tiny and, being out of your physical sight, may soon be forgotten (as is the thoughtless, impatient or ungrateful word or gesture). However, as you so well know, everything sent forth, remembered or not, must always return to its sender–and always with accumulated energy after its kind. For like attracts like. That is the Law.
We of the ascended host are quite familiar with the outer mind of mankind, which often tires of the sameness of things and wants something new. At the same time, that outer mind demands sameness in other respects, deriving great comfort therefrom. For instance, does one ever tire of looking upon a great field of waving grain ready for harvest? Does one tire of looking upon the orchards of rosy-cheeked and golden apples in the Northwest or the orange-colored pumpkins in the East and graceful ears of corn in the Midwest? Do mankind not expect the same general form, substance, color and flavor to be present in the same type of food every year?
Some among mankind are truly grateful for these gifts of the Nature kingdom, and others take them very much for granted. All should learn how to express real gratitude for the gifts of God that supply sustenance for their bodies, thus giving them opportunity to express their talents among their fellow­men in service to life.
Now, as we render our spiritual service to mankind, the outer self, or carnal mind, of the chelas sometimes takes exception to our teaching method whereby we regularly repeat certain fundamentals of the Law that they have heard so often. Well, if we do, it is because the chelas have as yet not grasped their full meaning and efficacy; they have not put them into practice as an applied science, “with signs following,” nor made them a working part of their worlds.
For the test of this knowledge is not in the hearing but in the doing. The Law requires the development of a certain soul-mastery, a familiarity with its precepts, which become working principles, before the chelas may be given a higher instruc­tion. Thus, when the hearers of the word become the doers, the Law is satisfied and the advanced teachings in alchemy cannot be withheld from the sincere and selfless servant.
You see, the wisdom of the Holy Christ Self deter­mines when the lifestream is ready for more instruction and just what each one should have. On the other hand the outer mind always likes to hear something new and different, ­the latest release from our octave, the latest world news, or even the latest local gossip–anything that will attract and hold its flitting attention for a moment and capture the imagination. Certainly mankind or the chelas are not to be chided for this, for here below, variety is the spice of life, providing respite from the treadmill of karmic existence, which binds their time and energy to an uninteresting monotony.
Loving you more than you can as yet under­stand, we would so enjoy giving you what makes you happy; but when your Holy Christ Self prescribes a certain course of study for you, that is what we must and do give. For we are always lovingly cooperative with and for your Good (God).
Be at peace all ways! Trust our great wisdom, which is God’s, and rest in our loving, tender care of and for you. We are quite trustworthy, for we know the way Home, having trod the entire path before you, and victoriously too! We are giving you the spiritual manna day by day, which if accepted and used will ade­quately fill the exact needs of the moment. Remember, we are even more willing to give you God’s good than you are sometimes either ready or willing to receive it. Therefore know that just as soon as you are ready for higher teachings and manifesta­tions of cosmic law, they cannot be withheld from you, even for one second. When the chela is ready the Master does appear! It is the Law.
As you know, great changes are taking place in, through and around the earth. With the multiplication of violet flame decrees of the students the world around, the alchemy of change for the better will continue. As the vibratory rate of the planet itself is now continually being stepped up through your calls, so must there be a corresponding increase of vibration in every cell and atom of the bodies of mankind, the Nature kingdom, and all that is a part of the earth’s evolutions at this time.
To bring this about, especially in the physical bodies of mankind, the type of food they eat will have to be changed, being made lighter and containing those vital elements which a refined physical body holding the light of higher octaves will need to har­moniously express here below. This food is already prepared in our octave and it will be lowered into physical manifestation on earth through the Nature kingdom when the need arises. You see, all good manifests in God’s good time. Patience is its own reward. In the meantime, the balanced diet based on grains, vegetables and food from the sea that has been known in the Far East for centuries may suffice many a chela on the path of the ascension.
My lovely ones growing firm, straight and tall in the expansion of your own Light’s perfection and becoming truly giants in the strength, courage and power of Divine Love, you have reached your present advancements because of your acceptance of our humble help, the harvest of our individual worlds offered to you so freely in God’s name.
Your victory is certain as you continue to walk in the Light of your own beloved I AM Presence, for this Light is the Light of God that cannot fail! Just keep on endeavor­ing to “practice the Presence” every waking hour and leave the showing of the way to us.
Since you have become a part of ourselves on earth and an arm of our Presence, as it were, yet serving among mankind, we know that your patience will hold out for a while until the greatest of mankind’s spiritual needs will have been met. Then shall we welcome you Home with such joy–Home, to go out no more.
God bless you now with his will manifesting for you and yours, all ways!
Your obedient Brother of Light–
Morya El

This instruction comes to you through the loving courtesy of the Ascended Masters’ Darjeeling, India, Council of God’s Will, of which all the ascended host are members.

Note: In the foregoing we are again reminded of the law of the circle: Everything sent forth always returns to its sender, and always with accumulated energy. Would you, then, increase the good that you already have? If so, keep it invested in service to some other part of life, whether that good be energy, talents, money, or whatever you have to give that would bless life. Let your good flow! Set it free! Then as it returns to you it must set you free with a greater increase of itself.

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.