Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Wednesday

Vol. 2 No. 11 - Jesus Christ - March 20, 1959

“I AM the resurrection and the life of the full perfection of my divine plan fulfilled—now made manifest!” Beloved ones who today would follow in my footsteps along the path of “Christ-regeneration,” I give you here the statement I used so very often—those words which enabled me to draw forth, sustain and expand from my own beloved “I AM” Presence, the power of its resurrection flame, which made me victor over so-called “death.” My so-frequent contemplation upon and use of those words enabled me to generate the feeling of faith and confidence in my own Holy Christ Self within, until its expansion completely possessed all of my being and world, making me its self in action—all ways!
As I repeat this statement to you today and as you read my words, if you will ask me so to do—I shall gladly give you my feelings of faith in that flame which, if you will accept and then expand by your rhythmic attention thereto, must give you the same victory they gave me! The law is wholly impersonal and, therefore, will answer everyone everywhere, just as it did me—if everyone will apply that law with full and loving cooperation as I did. Consciously accept my feelings of the truth of this statement—right now, today—and make them your own—using those words often every day, with deep sincerity. As you earnestly practice this, you will draw even your outer consciousness closer and closer into unity with your own beloved “I AM” Presence until, at times, even above the clamorous sounds of the work-a-day world, you can be raised to the place where you actually hear the sweet and gentle harmonies which fill the world of your “I AM” Presence—the hearing of which will bring you such peace!
Ponder not upon the sorrowful aspects of any situation—for your attention held upon any person, place, condition or thing is allowing your very life—that very instant—to flow unreservedly into that upon which attention is fixed. Then, if that be distressing, since the Law of Life is a circle, whatever goes out from you must come back into you! Therefore, your life given to that which was sorrowful (in your own world, that of another or even of my so-called “trials”) must return to you, qualified with that distress—plus all that that energy has gathered (which is like itself) until it returns to your world again. This is inescapable, for it is but the action of the law of magnetic attraction.
Every year, so much unnecessary feelings of sympathy (which is “agreement with imperfection”), condemnation and actual despair have been generated and sent forth into the atmosphere of a world already too full of such shadowed vibrations because of mankind’s attention upon the apparent injustices and sadness of “Holy Week”—between Palm Sunday and Easter—two victorious days of God-accomplishment! If only the victorious feelings of the mastery of Palm Sunday could have been held all through that blessed week culminating with the heavenly achievement of the resurrection on Easter Sunday! However, we do rejoice that there are those of you on earth who understand this truth today and, as you endeavor to live it yourselves and explain it to others in the expanding of our light, the attention of the people gradually will be removed from the sadness and suffering of “Holy Week” and, instead, be held upon the power of light to manifest love’s eternal victory!
Gracious readers—you who know of the merciful use of the violet transmuting flame could be so helpful were you to make the daily calls to your own beloved “I AM” Presence and to us (especially at this time of the year) for such a power of that violet fire as has never come to earth before, to sweep constantly through all destructive etheric records, especially those which have to do with “Holy Week” and the causes and cores of all its distressing memories, thus completely dissolving them forever. Ask that these be replaced by the joyous feelings of the truth of my revelation of the eternality of God’s life—his gift to all—not only to me! So you can render such a wonderful service—truly giving your life for all men. Is not your life that with which you speak the words of your decrees and blessings? Then, “giving your life” does not necessarily mean the laying down of your body in so-called “death,” you know!
As the resurrection flame manifests so bountifully and magnificently throughout the nature kingdom, realize fully now that this flame is so able and most willing to render a like personal service for you! Ask it to bring forth from within yourself all that is good: The “newness of life,” manifesting as a more youthful body, a more alert and “open” mind, happiness in your feelings and an abundant supply of money and every good thing in your affairs. So are you enabled much more quickly to fulfill your own “reason for being.” Every living soul has such a divine plan to fulfill—some God-gift which his lifestream alone can give to life to increase its blessings. Try it! Try using that resurrection flame daily for thirty days—in earnest sincerity and in faith believing. See what it will do for you! Then expect the practical manifestations of this flame in your daily living.
Today yours is a much easier path to victory than that which was mine to tread. In the conscious knowledge and use of the violet fire, you have opportunity quickly to transmute every shadow of your lifestream into “the light of God that cannot fail” to produce victorious accomplishment for you, as you remain faithful to the law of your being—“I AM.” Always remember to speak that “word” only constructively—using the violet fire to transmute all past mistakes and, then, lovingly cooperating with that “still small voice within” (which is your Holy Christ Self living there), you, too, can arise from the tomb of human limitations to walk in the sunshine of God’s garden of freedom and life everlasting!

Your elder brother

Jesus—the Christ

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day - (van der Weyden) - The Last Judgement

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Ascended Master Teaching for Wednesday

Vol. 2 No. 10 - Mother Mary - March 13, 1959

On that first Palm Sunday, as my beloved son rode upon the humble colt through the streets of Jerusalem in the midst of those “hosannas” and waving palms, his entire being radiated the feeling of deep humility and yet gracious dignity. He was, indeed, the true representation of the God-mastery of all life—the living Presence of the Father of all! The outpicturing of true divine love which Jesus actually had become had made him a resistless magnet to draw the attention of even the outer consciousness of the multitudes to his light. These, caught up in the spirit of joyous gratitude and praise to God (which was his constant attitude toward life!) loosed all the energies at their command in the loud “Hosannas” and “Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
Our Jesus’ consciousness was that of complete oneness with his God and the radiation of that feeling from his very physical form was a magic quality which instantly lifted and raised the feelings of all the life he contacted, angelic, human and elemental as well. As he rode through the narrow streets of that ancient city in such peaceful God-control, no expression of studied pomp, pride or even self-satisfaction marred the natural beauty of his countenance which, as ever, remained fully composed, gentle and benign, in full command of the tremendous energies being released from those who thronged his way. For himself he accepted naught of the praise and adulation so released, but offered all to his beloved father of love. In all he did, Jesus obediently fulfilled his divine mission, even in the slightest detail. This triumphal entry into Jerusalem (“city of peace”) was a part of that divine plan, revealing to all his unconquerable spirit as the living example of the all-powerful love of the Godhead—right here in this world of form. His example all men may follow–each one thus becoming his very own Christ-in-action.
Of course, each one’s personal victory is a very sacred thing to that one and, deep within the heart, the experiences by which that victory was attained are known to that one alone, because it was attained by the release of that one’s own life. However, in the close connection with the beloved Jesus which was my honor and privilege (partly because I was his physical mother), I knew something of the tremendous strength, courage, power and many other God virtues which he had drawn from his source, through long hours of contemplation and application, to have made possible that day!
The memories of that first Palm Sunday are as fresh and vibrant in my consciousness as though it had been yesterday. The mounting crescendoes of the voices of the people harmoniously blending together in praise to God as the happy procession moved on was thrilling indeed to me—it filled my soul, too, with deep and sincere gratitude—not only for his victory, but for the opportunity which was mine to be a part of that universal pageant of light.
Beloved ones, you have heard it said that “a thing of beauty is a joy forever” and so it is! I say to you that everything of beauty endures forever—for all beauty expressed is God-in-action and can never cease to be! The outer physical forms in and from which that beauty manifests may disappear from the outer screen of life, but the etheric pattern (which is the divine idea and memory thereof) still abides in the akashic records.
Now, today, since it is the very nature of divine love to give and, in the victory of the ascension having become the fullness of that divine love in action, I want to give you a very real gift. Will you now consciously accept from my own memory world into your own those same energies—qualified with the fervent, joyous feelings of those “hosannas” of that multitude on that first Palm Sunday? Many of these lifestreams are reembodied today and, with each recurring Easter Season, these are all conscious of that “lift” in their feelings as, each year, those memories are stirred again within their etheric bodies (memory worlds). They do not always realize the “cause” thereof, but just rejoice in its Presence. Many people of many different faiths have an impelling desire to attend some church service at Easter who otherwise do not enter a church at any other time of the year! Is this not a proof in itself of the “inner” magnetic pull of the soul to the happiness of the victorious accomplishments of just one outstanding lifestream? He, in the mastery of himself alone, became master over everything “human” for all time. In setting the example thereof and therefor, he became master of all life everywhere.
Today, too, I am offering you again (and I do hope you will consciously accept my gift) my God-feeling and ability to hold for yourselves and others the perfect picture of your immaculate concept. That is the perfection of you which sees only as God sees! I am holding for you, too, the ability to remain humble and yet dignified in the manifest attainment of all your victories, as beloved Jesus did in his never allowing the outer self to claim the credit as being the “doer”—but always referring all praise and adulation of that which has been successfully accomplished back to the source of your being, whose very life you used as your own to attain those victories.
Believe me, my children! Wise indeed it would be for you to develop and constantly let flow from you the virtue of praising and thanking God for his manifest goodnesses on every hand. Then, even as did the Presence of beloved Jesus naturally draw praise from the hearts, throats and feelings of the masses who received the blessing of his light—just so, in days to come, shall a like radiation from you (and from the multiplied examples of the living Christ which arise all over the world, as this light of the “I AM” instruction expands to and through all), draw forth from the hearts of all you contact the praise and gratitude to God for the manifestation of such Christ-accomplishment. At such time that song “Blessed is He that Cometh in the Name of the Lord” shall be sung of you and the many of like attainment, just as it was sung for him in that day so long ago, as earth’s recordings go.
Let the radiant flame of my grace and peace anchor into your etheric bodies now—today—and awaken in you all the feelings of joy and praise you have ever known in past ages, when your accomplishments of light were very great. Those memories live in you, even though buried deeply in the folds of your etheric garment.
Let my gift to you today add to your endeavors now consciously to develop from within yourselves a greater and greater feeling of praise and gratitude to your Source. This greater gratitude will soon outpicture in many wonderful ways in your daily living, so that it will cause all life to be grateful you passed their way. Then the gratitude you so inspire in others for the peace and comfort you thus bring to life shall indeed “magnify your Lord” and make you, too, the victorious Christ-in-action as beloved Jesus was—and a healing Presence to all your radiation touches.
During this Easter season, will you please give me your attention for just a few uninterrupted moments each day, so that I may make your feelings of joy as great as mine at your victorious entering into your “Jerusalem”–your “city of peace”–practically manifesting in your world as master of all things “human”—all ways!

Forever yours in love—“I AM”

Your Mother Mary

, Pearls of Wisdom, Church Universal and Triumphant, The Summit Lighthouse, Summit University, Summit University Press, Keepers of the Flame, Science of the Spoken Word and The Inner Retreat are registered trademarks of Church Universal and Triumphant, Inc. All rights to their use are reserved.

Spiritual Picture of the Day - Virgin in Prayer